Boundaries and illusionsbetween the consciousness and the unconsciousness.

The SukChulMok Studio proposesgeometric objects and furniture made from building materials left over from theconstruction process or modeled after the space.

As a space designer, it is natural tobe interested in detailed elements such as accessories and furniture that canshow the nature of space. I will introduce the furniture with the traces of thesite that I made while working on the *‘CURVING BLOCK’ construction project inDaejeon.

Furniture piled up or placed casuallyconveys not only a functional role but also an awareness of objet. It shows thecontinuity of the same value in the refined figure and the optical illusion inthe unconscious

Furniture of various shapes andcharacteristics is made according to the gestures of space, or inspired by thelayered appearance of building materials or the construction process.

Furniture that exposes material and physical properties isreminiscent of space in the fabrication process

*The curving block is a constructionproject of SukChulmok completed in 2023.

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